
A world where everyone can give and receive help through the power of community.

I Want to Help a Loved One
I know someone caring for others and I want to support them.
I am a Caregiver
I care for a loved one or friend and need some help.
I Want to Volunteer
I want to help people in my neighborhood.


“I don't know who you guys are but this web site has been invaluable in assisting my friend in getting meals and help with her kids. We have 35 people signed on and it has gone so smoothly thanks to your wonderful site. Thank you for setting it up. It is genius.”

Annie, San Diego, CA

At Lotsa Helping Hands, Help is our middle name. We connect people through the power of community — whether you need help or you want to provide help. You may be caring for an ill loved one, an aging parent, a child with special needs or a veteran. You may want to volunteer to help a friend or others in your neighborhood. However you define help — this is your home.

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Having Trouble?

Having Trouble? We’re here to help.

Click on one of the links below to find an answer.

Technical Support

For help using the system, we encourage you to read our help documentsi

Our Member Support Team is available to help you round the clock. Contact the Member Support Center for assistance.

Ideas? Feedback?

We regularly incorporate your suggestions and feedback into the Lotsa Helping Hands experience. We welcome your ideas and feedback.

Share your Story

Seeing the difference our Communities have made in people’s lives, we created The Story Project, a place for our members to share their personal stories in their own words. Tell us your story.

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